Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Light of a Loaf of Bread

A traveler on the mystic path
is content with a loaf of bread;
By its light he may be turned
towards the Light of God.     Rumi
Today is Independence day where I live. So what am I fixing? I am fixing Italian American food. I am keenly aware of the contributions of the Italians to my country's development. Italian food is possibly the backbone of American success. I don't see how we could have developed without it. God bless all the Italians that came to this country for a better life. Pizza built this country (ask any kid in America since it's pretty much all they will eat). I can smell the yeast from the kitchen as my dough is warmly rising. I love the smell of yeast and baking bread. In the beginning years of my life with my love there was an Italian bakery just a few blocks away. This is where I discovered panettone, foccacia and ciabatta. These were truly a revelation for me because I grew up on strictly white bread. One of the only field trips my class ever took was to the Weber's bread factory. I knew then that there was something magical about yeast. By the time my love and I had a few years together, we traveled to Europe together. That's when I began to get to know Italy. It remains my favorite place in the entire world. By the time we returned for a second visit to Italy, to Florence, I was really hooked. I had a paperback copy of a Marcella Hazan cookbook and each morning I would walk many many blocks through Florence to prepare our food for the day. I still remember a plum cake I made that made me feel like a million dollars. We had a room with a view of the river Arno. What a life! I am so grateful for that time. More and more I am able to remember these things without sorrow.
This morning, I am baking foccacias for three different families. Some of the breads will have onions and others rosemary and olives. Don't get me started on olives! My olive garden memories are some of the most romantic memories I have. I seem to recall my love singing a funny song about bread and salt. It's a good day.

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