All the things which come with Autumn represent change. The leaves change colors and then drop. The mornings get crisper and nights are clearer. It's been one year since my love died and my heart remembers parts of my life that my mind cannot. My love and I began in the Autumn more than thirty years ago, and my life feels like a giant circle which has led me back to exactly where I began. Having returned to the beginning, I cannot help but notice that everything has changed. So many Autumns have come and gone in that time and it is a different world than when my love first stole a kiss from me. An incredible life was set in motion with just a kiss. Now, as that life runs its course, I am left in this moment. Today there is online-dating, lap band surgery, Obama care, war, cell phones, Facebook, really expensive gas, nano technology, and the list goes on and on. The world that my love and I knew, once upon a time, is gone. Autumn is difficult because you really become aware of change. You can't pretend that everything is the same. I'm like an astronaut in my own life on an unknown planet. I pray for friendly alien life forms to greet me not knowing who or what awaits. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.